Get Legal Help
For Legal Help, call 905-682-6635.
For immediate assistance Monday to Thursday from 8:30 – 12:00 and 1:00 – 4:00, or Friday from 8:30 – 12:00.
You may also leave a message on our voicemail at this extension and your call will be returned on the next business day.
The staff who answers the phone can assist you through the Intake Process. In order to better prepare for the process, questions you can expect are:
- Your full legal name
- Your address
- Your contact information (phone number, email, or other ways we can contact you)
- Is there an opposing party (for example, a landlord if this is a dispute regarding your rental unit)
- If you have any time limits to meet (i.e. received a notice for eviction, etc.)
You may also be asked to give a brief description of the issue to the staff. No legal advice will be given at this time. The brief description is only to provide information to the legal staff prior to your appointment.
You will then get an appointment to speak with legal staff, either in person or by telephone. Appointments are available at our main Welland & St. Catharines location, and at satellite offices in Niagara Falls, Beamsville, Grimsby, Port Colborne, Thorold, Crystal Beach, and Fort Erie. Directions to the location of your appointment will be provided with your appointment date and time.
If an appointment with our legal staff is not needed, an appropriate referral will be made at this time.